Gone Home and Hob are Epic’s free games of the week

Another Thursday means it’s time for another offering of free games from the Epic Games Store. This week, interactive exploration simulator Gone Home and suspenseful action-adventure Hob are up for grabs.

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In order to claim your free games, you’ll need an Epic Games account. You can then pick up your games either through your browser or through the Epic Games Launcher.

It’s free to sign up for an Epic account and the launcher is completely free to download. There’s no payment information required at any point.

You’ll need to have the launcher to play your games but there’s no rush as, once you’ve claimed them, they’ll be yours for as long as you keep your Epic account active. Keeping it active just means not deleting your account â€" you don’t need to log in every day or anything!

June 7th, 1995. 1:15 AM

You arrive home after a year abroad. You expect your family to greet you, but the house is empty. Something’s not right. Where is everyone? And what’s happened here? Unravel the mystery for yourself in Gone Home.

Gone Home is an interactive exploration simulator. Interrogate every detail of a seemingly normal house to discover the story of the people who live there. Uncover the events of one family’s lives by investigating what they’ve left behind.

You can get Gone Home on the Epic Games Store by following the link here.


Presented without text or dialogue, Hob’s story is revealed as you explore the planet and interact with the strange lifeforms that inhabit it.


Solve puzzles and repair the planet. The landscape will change before your eyes, opening new areas to uncover and explore.


Use your mechanical glove-arm abilities for traversal as well as combat.


Explore ruins, befriend sprites, and battle the rogue creatures that threaten their extinction.

You can pick up Hob on the Epic Games Store by following the link here.

Both games will be free until April 9th at 4pm BST, when they’ll return to full price. You can pick them up at any point between now and then, but we recommend not leaving it until last minute in case something goes wrong somewhere along the line.

After Gone Home and Hob return to their full price, Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments will be taking the stage as next week’s free game. Check back in on the 9th to see what’s up for grabs after!

While not technically part of Epic’s free weekly games offering, Drawful 2 is also free until April 9th.

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