Fortnite Professional Players’ Association Seeks Dialogue With Epic Games Over Future Competitive Scene

When Epic Games unleashed Fortnite into the wild, it was a massive worldwide success. This battle royale title was such a big hit that it's made Epic Games a ton of money allowing the developers to continue tweaking the game, adding more content and providing players with crossover events. Battle royale titles are meant to be competitive and it's provided some exciting streams with players all around the world along with tournaments.

There's going to be changes with any games to keep things fresh and interesting for players to enjoy. However, when it comes to Fortnite, there is a group of professional gamers that would like to keep an open dialogue with Epic Games to direct the competitive scene for the game. We're not sure if this could sway some not part of the FNPPA to take their gameplay sessions somewhere else if the changes are not up to their standards, but at the same time, we don't know if Epic Games would even pursue this plea.

Sent online through Twitter, the Fortnite Professional Players' Association has quite a few professional Fortnite players attached with a simple message to Epic Games. You can read the full list of who is involved with the Twitter image embedded below.

"Today, we announce the FNPPA, or The Fortnite Professional Players Association. It is an independent world-wide collective of professional Fortnite players, meant to provide us a professional platform to voice our opinions on the future of the competitive scene of Fortnite, so that we may have the most productive dialogue possible with the developers. Our Board Members consist of 16 of the most renowned professional players in the scene, from across multiple regions."

Would you like Epic Games to listen in and communicate with the professional gaming scene for their video game? It could help provide some of the more requested features or tweaks to the game.

Today, we announce the FNPPA, or the Fortnite Professional Players Association.

— Fortnite Professional Players' Association (@FNPPA) October 4, 2019

Source: Twitter

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