Epic Games Teases 'The End' For Smash Hit Fortnite, But It's Not What You Think

Well, Fortnite fans, it was a good run but the end is nigh. What will you play next? Just kidding, Fortnite is not actually closing shop—Epic Games would have to be bonkers to turn its back on Fortnite, given how lucrative its free-to-play baby has grown to become. However, there is a season event called "The End" that is en route.

Donald Mustard, the Worldwide Creative Director at Epic Games, teased the event on Twitter by changing his location to The End. Check it out...

It's a subtle hint, but certainly not random—Mustard often teases Fortnite events on his Twitter account, and that is precisely what he is doing here.

Looking back, Fortnite has a history of closing out seasons with a major event, something it has been doing since Season 3. These events pave the way for the next season. As it currently applies, Season 10 will come to an end on October 13 (according to an in-game countdown clock that recently appeared), and there will undoubtedly be some kind of event that leads to Season 11.

It's not clear what exactly "The End" will entail. At the end of Season 9, there was an epic battle between Cattus, a giant pink robot, and Doggus, a monster who started off trapped in Polar Peak. The battle set in motion the events for Season 10. There was a subsequent time warp that sent players back to the island as it existed at the end of Season 3, just before a meteor hits and destroys Dusty Depot. That meteor carried The Visitor, a central figure in Season 4, who has now completed the construction of a rocket.

In all likelihood, The End means the destruction of the current map to make way for a new one. But, we will have to wait a few more days to find out for sure.

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