Free From Epic Games Exclusivity, ‘Metro Exodus’ Is Coming To Linux

First the good news. As of Valentine’s Day 2020, Metro Exodus has been liberated from its Epic Games exclusivity agreement and is now available to purchase on Steam. And now the great news, especially for my regular readers: it looks like Deep Silver and developer 4A Games are working on bringing the post-apocalyptic shooter to Linux.

Metro Exodus is coming to Linux

Deep Silver / 4A

Way back in October 2018, a Steam user (via the Community pages) asked if a Linux version was being planned for Metro Exodus; a fair question since both Metro 2033 Redux and Metro Last Light received native Linux ports.

Today, a Deep Silver representative finally replied to the thread saying “We are working on it. More news soon.”

While many Linux gamers appreciate the availability of a native version, Metro Exodus already runs on Linux thanks to “Proton,” a collaboration between CodeWeavers and Valve. “Proton” is a compatibility layer that’s built-in to the Steam for Linux client that allows literally thousands of Windows-exclusive games to be installed and played in the same way as the Steam for Windows client. No messing with Wine, no terminal tweaking.

Exclusive: Codeweavers Talks About Valve Partnership, Windows And The Future Of Gaming On LinuxForbes Jason Evangelho is a fantastic tool to see which games in your Steam for Windows library will run on Linux. is another great resource for running Windows-only games that exist on non-Steam platforms like Epic Games, Blizzard and Origin.

Now through February 18, you can snag Metro Exodus on Steam for 40% or about $23.99. And thanks to Steam Play, owning the Windows version also entitles you to run it on Linux.

Deep Silver has promised more news soon about the Linux version soon. The publisher has also confirmed the Linux port outside of the vague forum reply in an email to

Thanks to Redditor longusnickus for spotting this!

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